There is a need for a new Technology Development and Securities Agency (TDSA), perhaps, has been floated as an idea, previously, to make a government agency that would be similar to the way the National Security Agency collects Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), which is basically all wire traffic, however the Technology Development and Securities Agency (TDSA), for example, would function as the main government organization that deals with the U.S. Congress, to maintain securities over the technologies industries, while ensuring that technologies work precisely the way they have been described with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Organization (USPTO), while also working with law enforcement and government administrators in the Executive Branch, to oversee the development of better technologies, by hiring inventors of technologies, to oversee or manage the development of new technologies that the private industry has always wanted, however didn't have the resources to develop, or otherwise there was a benefit to developing the technologies as the public, including with for-profit organizations, to ensure that the technologies are developed, properly, with everyone's relevant and constructive thoughts in mind as to what the new technologies should be, or become, or turn out to be in reality in the future.
This new organization would also work with a new American Inventors Program (AIP) that would allow American inventors, including at young ages, to develop new technologies with the help of others, including only through their thoughts, and have their inventions secured properly in government paperwork, even if they are unable to document their inventions at the current time, such as because of a disability or because of under development, such as a lack of an ability to type or produce industry graphics or artwork, such that the American Inventors Program (AIP) would be a brain-activity based inventors program, that would collect data about the inventions or the technologies that Americans want to buy, and produce the documentation and blueprints, including artwork, to automatically file for patents and even trademarks and copyrights, based on their good thoughts, and they would be able to rely on this data in the court systems, later on, to be able to be paid, and if there are an overwhelming amount of these inventors, then they would be able to negotiate, for example, in the simple cases, to be paid without the need for private industry attorneys to do court examinations or court presentations, and they would just be paid, while others would be able to produce their case, relying on their government data to build their case, including with government employees and government programs, that would automatically compile the reports and the cases, based on what their inventions were or are, to determine how much of a benefit they were or still are to the public or to the private industry, to determine how much the inventors should be paid, based on evidentiary findings. This program originates not only from the Optogenetics Brain Scanner technology, to verify past government records, however also past neural communications are used to verify, through biometric security, how much each American inventor should be paid, when they want to cash everything in and go on vacation, or build their first dream home, or buy a new car, or get married.
Money to pay the inventors will also automatically be withheld or fined or fee'd to the private industry companies that manufacture or engineer the inventions, if the inventions are patented by others in the industry, to pay the actual original inventors from the government, if the private industry fails to work out a solution to pay the inventors, and the fines and fees could be greater than if the private industry companies paid the inventors, directly, including because of the amount of time that the inventors had to wait to be paid, and because the private industry companies made it so the government had to represent the inventors. There is also the option of the inventors to just take over the industry, and to be paid from the industry, by taking it over as the original inventors of the inventions, for an example the companies that "invented" the inventions, after they were already conceived by the original inventor, could be forced to combine their company(s) into a company setup by the original inventor that originally conceived the invention. There is also the option that the inventor be provided with one or more of the physical inventions for payment. The options that the original inventor chooses depends upon what the original inventor wants for the invention(s).