This invention concept pertains to providing a safe, secure way to provide a sense of feeling or touch to the outside of the skin, or to provide a warming or cooling effect in the surrounding environment, or other special effects, such as making the hair in the back of the neck stand straight up. TouchSense Technology works to providing certain types of senses to the brain, directly, with Optogenetics Sequencing Technology, to provide the light senses of touch, while not actually exposing the skin or body to any harmful effects of radio frequency or light waves. With this technology, there needs to be a lot of security to make sure the technology is not misused, such as to ensure the technology is not used or misused to cause any sense of pain.
The senses of touch that are intended to be provided can be studied, first, through computer programs, such as touching a human test subject in various ways with feathers, or a pillow, or someone else’s hand, or their own hand, to determine how the various different types of touch register with mind reading technology, gathered with Optogenetics Sequencing Technology, to determine how when one’s self causes the sense of touch, it is vastly different than if someone else provides the sense of touch to one’s self. Knowing how these different types of data differ, can help to provide a variable to determine how the brain works with various pre-determined types of touch senses, to determine how to use Optogenetics Sequencing Technology to provide those same touch senses with these TouchSense Technologies.
For example, the sense of touch could be recorded while working out, while having sex, while eating, while performing intellectual activities that are distracting, while performing intellectual activities that are multitasked, while listening to music, and while watching a movie, just for starters, to begin to develop a working model to provide a wide variety of pre-experienced senses of touch to a viewer of a movie or a lonely or long-distance partner.
One example use of this technology would be the emission of a heating element, while a digital fireplace is playing on the television. This would give the effect that the fireplace is hot, while saving the environment from the harmful effects of CO2 emissions, while also allowing the visual aspects of the fireplace, to still be present, such as on Christmas day, or for a romantic evening, while still saving space, and also saving from having to clean out the coal. Also, this "heating element" could be used, for an example, when there is a explosive car chase on a movie, to give off the effect that the fire is hot, while the explosive scene is not real, for entertainment purposes.