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MCE123 - Technology Development

Artificial Telepathy Systems: Intelligence and Communications

AT Systems: Intelligence and Communications

This information pertains to patterns of intelligence and communications, through the use of combinations of systems technology and telepathic, sociological, and other types of communications that have the capability of controlling large populations of persons.

Collective Systems, Collective Minds, Individual Thoughts, and Security Concepts

This pertains to the use of collective systems that utilize processes, potentially including automation, and the integration of the systems with collective minds, such that the collective minds are multiple minds that share information through telepathic communication histories in computer systems. The collective minds are secondary to the individual thoughts, such that there are multiple intelligence compartments within each individual’s mind, while the individual thoughts are unique and separate from the collective. There are security concepts that pertain specifically to how to identify the various forms of compartments of thoughts, the types of compartments, and the types of processes that are used for individual thoughts and how the individual thoughts help to create unique thoughts that are separate from the collective, such that without individual thoughts the individual would have no intelligence beyond the collective systems of the collective minds. The security concepts pertain to securitization between the individual thoughts and the collective thoughts, to ensure the growth of the individual in addition to the growth of the collective. The growth of individual thoughts improves the thought processes that occur within the collective thoughts.

Collective Systems, Sociological Research, and Privacy Concepts

This pertains to utilizing collective systems for sociological research, such as utilizing the weaknesses in security to study how to improve the security, utilizing the media to study how to improve media security and other types of sociological research that pertain to politics. Generally, collective systems security studies should not be conducted simply to study security, its self. These types of studies should be done along with regular activities, not as any type of operation to obliterate the people that use the systems. Without the collective systems, the insecurity and openness of society would lead to instability if the security of the technologies was compromised at the root. The security of the collective systems includes privacy of the systems designers, privacy of the systems, privacy of the systems operators, and privacy of the systems research. Protecting the people that do the work with these systems is very important to ensuring the security of every collective part of society, whether it communicate with Artificial Telepathy Systems, or not.

There are just so many pockets of uncertainty in society, and there are so many sandwiches available to feed the hungry, that what we really needed was Meals on Wheels, to feed people that didn't have a ride to get the sandwich. However, there is a lot more to getting someone a ride, than just picking them up at Starting Point A, and taking them to Destination Point B. For some, you actually need to buy them the car. For others, you need to drive them. Collective systems are this way as well - you really need a large staff to study how to setup the collective security of a project like Artificial Telepathy Systems, so this is why investing your future in the success of Artificial Telepathy is surely going to be an award winner, and likely very lucrative, as well.

Contingency Sociological Concepts

This pertains to placing sociological research on contingency, such that the sociological research is reactive to activities in society, rather than targeting an issue. This is a form of sociological security that activates if an issue is targeted. These types of mechanisms can originate from planning, not necessarily visible within planning on paper, while these concepts are such that the contingencies are empowered by the targeting. One strategy would be to use an activation image, such as bringing up something about a monkey eating bananas, to do research into gorillas playing nerf basketball and chimpanzees reading magazines about artificial intelligence, in the media, to see how the public responds to it. It could simply be a topic about how primates are a lot smarter than you think, because of mind reading technologies, and we know what they think about us, and we know how to communicate with them and make them happy with brain to computer interfaces. So ideally, a system that could make everyone happy, would be the ultimate prize winner software solution.

Organized Limited Liability Contingent Sociological Activities

This pertains to organizations of limited liability contingencies that activate sociological activities through segmentation and blips of information that collectively result in the creation of contingent sociological activities. This is the concept of planting the seed for long-term development of contingent sociological organizations with specific types of functions and sociological activities that are based on organizational principles. This would be like planting a seed of a passion for World Peace through volunteerism, and then ensuring that anytime someone refers to your name, and anything contrary to everything being peaceful, that it starts to bring up everything about you again that is good, and ensures that World Peace happens again, each time that this ever happens, to make sure the government doesn't need to act, and to make sure that everyone is taught everything they need to know if they were ever a victim of war crimes or mind control, so they can learn who the evil doers are or were, and make sure that they learn how to secure the actual systems, themselves - not just build their own personal software to fend off virtual wildebeests running with the heard, or even a stray hyena.

Intellectual Vacuums and Protective Contingency Trees of Re-appropriation

This pertains to the use of sociological organizations to vacuum the intelligence out of all third parties, utilizing the protection of a contingent tree of re-appropriation, such that the intelligence vacuum is limited liability and the contingency activates as a takeover mechanism to re-appropriate the command structures of all attacks against the intelligence vacuum, to de-activate the attacks, and restore the appropriate rank and file, and restore the designated leaders, to let everyone sleep it off, peacefully, and reset the systems, one more time, all while allowing conversations to occur in the mean time without interrupting anything important, or even anything remotely important. This ensures that everyone enjoys the Artificial Telepathy Systems, to ensure the "off" switch is not the most commonly used feature. This also allows for the removal of all government intelligence, when the think tank services are no longer needed, and also easier ways to get people paid for participating in their government, online, including to develop Artificial Intelligence software solutions, if they have the qualifications to develop the software that is needed, with assurances that the software projects that are needed will always be funded.

MCE123 Intellectual Property Rights Management

MCE123℠ invents original concepts in our Technology Development department, such as for new high-tech technologies, which can be purchased ahead of time by other organizations to develop into physical products for a fee. Some of these concepts have already been physically developed by MCE123℠ Technology Development with our partners in the government, and are classified as national security technologies, in which we allow the government to develop the technologies as part of our company, and we own the technologies, since we invented them, and they were never purchased. We may not allow these technologies to be purchased by others, however the technologies must be purchased from our company if they are ever purchased from production, as they are our technologies. There are government policies and government legislation that prevents the technologies from being purchased without MCE123℠ Technology Development being paid for its works to invent the technologies as/for the government.

You must have our authorization to work on our products or services, ahead of time, in physical writing, regarding any invention you read about on our website. Please consult with the MCE123℠ Legal Department before using any concepts from us, as we spend countless hours developing these concepts from scratch, and you must pay us to use these concepts, or even modify the concepts and use the concepts, even with significant modification. All works that derive from our works, including extrapolations or derivatives, are our property if you do not follow due process by obtaining physically written permission from us ahead of time. You must purchase all intellectual property relating to a technology concept before you begin work on any of our products or services. Failure to do so will result in Intellectual Property lawsuits and cases from our attorneys to compensate our company for intellectual and monetary damages that we have incurred due to any third party developing, using, or misusing any of our products.

This Intellectual Property is owned by MCE123℠ Technology Development. By viewing this Intellectual Property, you agree to the rights of the IP holder established under the Intellectual Property Rights Management agreement. To use the Intellectual Property, you must first obtain an Intellectual Property license, and you must pay royalties for each product that is produced using the Intellectual Property license.

MCE123 Technology Usage Policy Disclaimer

MCE123℠ does not support experiments using animals or human beings, at all, and all trials pertaining to or using animals or human beings using technologies invented by MCE123℠ must be agreed to in a physically pre-written contract agreed to between MCE123℠, its attorneys, and each individual, a separately pre-written contract for each technology, a separately pre-written contract for each individual, with the terms of which can be modified in various ways to ensure the security of our staff and the public, and additionally of which each individual contract can be cancelled or audited at any time and at all times by any individual or legal staff in the public. Any usage of our technologies must also be paid for to MCE123℠, or there was no agreement and thus no contract to provide any products or services, not even for scientific experimentation and educational uses. Any unauthorized usage or utilization of our technologies will be filed under the misuse clause, to cease and desist all usage of our technologies by unauthorized persons or organizations. Protection Status Site Protected by SiteLock