This invention concept pertains to a wireless brain scanner or wireless brain scanning technology that uses Optogenetics Sequencing Technology, to scan the contents of every single neuron, not just the physical makeup of the neuron, its self, to catalogue everything about a single person’s brain, including all their memories and properties within all their neurons within their different parts of the brain, to calibrate General Artificial Intelligence (GAI) to how a single person's brain works. Everything pertaining to the data collected pertaining to the neurons would be stored in computer models, such as an IMAGE, or a mirror image of the brain, in computer files, so the brain does not need to be continuously accessed to access the data pertaining to the brain, such as to improve the health of the brain. Once the scanning is completed, it is verified over time, by simply monitoring the brain activities of the same individual, to determine, without the usage of any mind control technologies, if the brain actually still has the contents in the neurons that was originally detected.
This technology can be a life saver when it comes to documenting inventions, which allows inventions to be documented in General Artificial Intelligence (GAI) computer systems dedicated to delegating tasks to developing inventions, through government technology contracting, that benefits the American public, by sharing the technologies with everyone once they work. This new type of government contractor works on inventing technologies whenever they think of something to invent for the public, and they are in contact with industry professionals through wireless or temporary neural connectivity including through audio, with their brain, to give them the ideas that they need to work on, and the government is used to oversee these projects, even when the original creators of the inventions are not working on the inventions or documentation for the inventions, at any given time. These new government administrators work both by solving the government's most pressing challenges, such as creating an Internet of everyone's brains, to be able to solve everyone's problems in the government, and make everyone's lives perfect, as well as the private industry, to ensure that technologies that solve these problems are created, to make the private industry like the Amazon of government technologies that can solve the everyday problem, with the government in the private industry.
Primarily, this technology works based off of Optogenetics Sequencing Technology software, that when combined with Wireless Optogenetics Brain to Computer Interface Technology, which is similar to the concept of providing feedback to a citizen, or gaining feedback from a citizen, on how to improve technologies, or how to govern to improve lives and solve the world's greatest challenges, that the limitations of these technologies are mainly with a lack of the proper software. These technologies could be used, for example, to network every American human brain, Internationally, as well, to be able to allow citizens of The United States of America to work at any time, or at all times they please, for any number of companies or organizations, even within a single career position that they hold, simply by interfacing with the world and with the domestic economy and with the government and with the private and public sectors, and with the private industry, to be able to solve every greatest challenge using General Artificial Intelligence (GAI) that is synchronized to the current thoughts and the current brain readings of any individual that is networked with the government.
The IMAGE is a storage array that stores a historical picture or historical data set of everything that was or is still in an individual's brain, and the IMAGE is mapped out to determine where the thoughts came from, or where they were inspired from, or where they originated from, such as for inventors, to determine if their thoughts are original thoughts, or natural thoughts, or other types of thoughts, such as mind controlled thoughts that originated from others or from computer systems. Studies can determine where thoughts or data originated from, such as if the data originated because of a computer system, because the data will exist in the government. This is the reason why the National Security Agency stores so much data on individuals, which is to keep track of where their data originated from, such as if some of it is primary source material, while other data is secondary sources, so it can be resolved as to what is legal, and what is not even considered to be real, such as through government mind control experiments that sent erroneous data to individuals that were networked on the test systems.