This technology concept pertains to a special microprocessor chip that has a wide range of security capabilities that can be controlled by a firmware system, to control or in other words limit the possible uses of IDEAINT Technologies, such as preventing any IDEAINT Technology from being used to control motor functions, or to limit how motor functions can be controlled, even based on different structured pre-defined settings, and also how IDEAINT Technologies can be used with SimulatedSenses Technology, including HearSense Technology, SmellSense Technology, TasteSense Technology, TouchSense Technology, and VisionSense Technology. There are in fact firmware settings for each of these sense simulation technologies, and there are advanced systems that regulate the use of IDEAINT Technologies based on legislative systems, rather than strictly based on manual or semi-automatically or automatically pre-assigned assigned settings. This security technology can control, for an instance, how Optogenetics Sequencing Technology connects to various parts of the brain, and limit how the technology connects to various parts of the brain. It can control or limit, in other words, how various algorithms or numerical values control levels, such as intensity levels, of IDEAINT Technologies and Optogenetics Sequencing Technology. This security microchip technology would function like an EEPROM and system bios, with its own encryption system, that would verify the authenticity of any uploads of any new EEPROM image, or any new BIOS software, to ensure that it secures the satellite properly, with hardware checks and balances. This technology would also provide settings to offer filters for everything, so various features of any of the technologies pertaining to IDEAINT Technologies could be filtered out of the display or transmissions, even after the fact of the transmissions being compiled and sent to the satellite to be transmitted or displayed. This ensures the maximum amount of low-level control or regulation, such that any feature or any experience can be tailored to the needs of each individual user, without having to setup each individual user, allowing each user to configure their own settings in a safe and easy to use configuration mode.