This invention concept pertains to a technology that can determine a sense of smell, or a technology that can smell scents in the surroundings, of where a sensor technology, from a laser detection technology, is used. This technology would have the capability to determine what scents make up certain smells, through laser analysis, alone.
This technology would have the capability to determine both scents and smells, in addition to aromas. Scents are defined as being the individual scents that make up a smell or aroma. A smell is defined as a mixture or concentration of any number of scents. An aroma is defined as a lingering scent or smell, that may even fester.
This technology has the capability to reproduce scents, smells, and aromas, as they are detected by the human brain and human nose, however also simply because of scanning for the scent, smell, or aroma, and detecting the scent, smell, or aroma, as it would seem to appear to any human nose, or even any specific human nose.
Other technologies that were conceived with this technology, also include small bottles of reproduced scents or smells or aromas, that are discharged by an aromatic emitter system, as essential oils or essential scents or essential smells or essential aromas. These small bottles may include essential oils, such as citrus and peppermint.
This technology would be able to reproduce the scents, smells, or aromas of the sense of smell of various foods, such as French fries, or hamburgers, or steak on the grill.
This technology would be capable of processing a scented area, or “scent scene”, to analyze small particles in the environment, and determine what the small particles are made up of, and compare the data collected based on the small particles in the environment, to computer models, to determine what the scents are made up of, or what scents are being smelled, including by the technology.
This technology would be capable of reproducing any scent, any smell, and/or any aroma, by reproducing the effects of the particles or radio frequency signatures or light wave signatures associated with any same scent, any same smell, and/or any same aroma, to reproduce the same effects to any person, or any animal, or any other living thing that can smell or detect scents, smells, or aromas.
This technology is non-nuclear in nature.
This technology has previously had the name “SmellSense Technology”.
This technology does not “display” or “communicate” any sense of smell to any person or anything else, literally, except computer systems, to store a file that is accessible with data pertaining to the smell.
There is an additional technology that is capable of transmitting or “displaying” a sense of smell file to the nose of a person, however it was created after this technology was created.
This technology was originally invented by Patrick R. McElhiney in Stockton, CA in 1989, and later again in Turlock, CA in 2004, and later again in Barrington, NH in 2017, and later again in Barrington, NH in 2025.