This invention concept pertains to two Velcro suits, that are worn by both a Bride and Groom, one looking like a black suit and tie Velcro suit, and the other looking like a wedding dress Velcro suit. They are worn on Valentines Day, or some other day.
Each Velcro suit is made with Velcro straps and Velcro materials that attach on over the Bride’s and Groom’s clothing, and the Velcro face is facing outwards on the suits, with opposite polarity in the stitching of the Velcro materials, respective to its location on the suit, with respect to the opposite suit, so the suits will stick on to each other, or the objects, like stuffed animals, will stick on to the suits, or to each other.
This game has several different types of Velcro stuffed animal projectiles that the Bride and Groom, and other participants, can throw at each other to stick onto each other, such as:
- A heart
- Vegetables & Fruits
- A carrot with greens
- A head of lettuce
- A beet with greens
- A set of cherries
- A diamond ring
- A baby
- A pacifier
- A baby stroller
- A car
- Keys to new car – stuffed animal, or actual keys, such as in a Velcro keys pouch
- A home
- Keys to new home – stuffed animal, or actual keys, such as in a Velcro keys pouch
- A bouquet of flowers
- A bouquet of red roses
- A bridal bouquet
- Corsage
- Box of chocolates
- Candles
- Candlelight dinner setting
These Velcro sticky stuffed animals are meant to resemble new things in the life of the Bride and Groom, yet to come, into the future, or currently.
These game items can also be used with a giant Velcro wall, including with a launch platform, to stick themselves to a giant Velcro wall, if they wish. This invention was originally created for the Velcro company in Somersworth, NH by Patrick R. McElhiney. It was originally thought up in 2009, online, however later transcribed from audio recordings.
This game can also be played by the Bride and Groom sticking themselves on each other, and then kissing each other.
“Stuck on me. Stuck on you.” may be a good tagline for this product.
This game is great for Wedding Faires and Entertainers, such as for disc jockeys to take to a proposal party.