This invention pertains to a system that interacts with authorized users' thoughts in The Virtual Environment, securely, with menus and windows that are accessible through thoughts, alone, or even through computer systems with intelligent computer software that allows manual editing of settings, that allows the blocking of certain types of media or press coverage, such as any media pertaining to one or any number of the following items:
- any damaging media
- any media pertaining to certain subjects
- any media pertaining to certain types of media
- any media pertaining to certain individuals
- any media pertaining to certain professionals
- any media that matches algorithms as to their content, such as:
- author(s) name(s)
- authoring date(s)
- author(s) title(s)
- author(s) association(s)
- author(s) organization(s)
- publishing date(s) time(s)
- publishing source(s)
- publisher(s)
- broadcaster(s)
- web address(es) - a list of web addresses that the article can be accessed at, any number of which can be individually or blocked in groups
- headline(s)
- keyword(s)
- length(s) - number of letters in the text
- average duration(s) - how long the average viewing duration(s) is/are for
- total duration(s) - how long the total viewing duration(s) is/are for
- short description(s)
- description(s)
- full article content
- video(s)
- reference(s)
- comment(s)
- sponsor(s)
There would be a way that topics can be added to a set of database windows, that certain topics with certain keywords can be blocked from being written, or published, or aired on the Internet or on television, such as anything bad about any individual that has purchased any Media Protection product, such as for his/her family members, or anything bad about his family company. The database windows would be editable from within The Virtual Environment, so it's possible to limit media, anywhere, from thoughts, alone.
Media security systems would also control the public media, and the private media, in addition to the mass media, and other types of media, including the Internet. For example, there would be a way to prevent people from accessing or searching for anything bad about a person's name, or any specific topic at the root level.
There would be a way to switch a news article, in real time, in the television news, or on the Internet, or in other types of news broadcasts, such as the radio broadcasting networks.
There would be a media security media gallery, that would provide media sample templates and media clip templates for media and news broadcasts, including intros and transitions and menus and other types of visual overlays, that can be used in the media.
There would be a way to air a message on all news channels and all news frequencies and on the Internet, such as for a national speech, all at the same time, at the blink of an eye, including from satellite video that is compiled in real time, even at the last minute, if there is no news crew on scene. There would also be a way to compile computer generated graphics that are realistic, or funny, or any number of other options of theme or purpose type.
There would be an application in The Virtual Environment, and a desktop and mobile application, that would link together, so an individual or organizational representative would be able to change their settings without having to use the desktop application, necessarily. There would be multiple levels of security in The Virtual Environment, that can be overridden, however not necessarily, by the desktop application, so the desktop application can fix The Virtual Environment settings, and also The Virtual Environment can fix the desktop application settings. For example, banning all media for yourself can be controlled in The Virtual Environment, however the ban cannot necessarily be removed, however yet it can with a force remove of the ban, however then the ban can be re-added if necessary, even by yourself - just so there's security that the system cannot be hacked through any security vulnerabilities pertaining to any neural link technology, such as EEG or Optogenetics headset security vulnerabilities.
This technology was developed as an overarching technology for the government, including for the purpose of reducing or eliminating all incidence of offensive media, however it has not been purchased. It is free to use by friends or clients for legal purposes.