This system would be for the purpose of identifying media articles, and their key properties, with an ability to link to policy servers, such as the Media Security Server or International Media Security Server. This would include a probability determinator with future forecasting security system linked with the media security systems, that is capable of determining echoes based on lots of inputs of data regarding advertising and Internet traffic, and correlate all of the data into metaphorical and metaphysical patterns, and then minimize the results down to background checks and open up classified files to determine if the patterns fall under incitation or if the patterns pertain to a case. These environments would differ greatly from the usual marketing perspective, while at the same time there is a different perspective of policy that is used to determine if there are correlations or not, and if so what. For an example, and advertiser that is using advertising for political attacks could get into trouble if the advertising is inciting attacks, while at the same time advertising that is not inciting political attacks can be useful for Signals Intelligence analysis of Human Intelligence.
This server will have the ability to identify patterns of national security threats, and also identify patterns of criminal activities, and there should also be a system that counteracts the patterns to reverse the society from the national security threats and criminal activities that occur in the patterns of the media.
There would be an artificial intelligence component of the Media Analysis Server that creates potential template filters of new types of patterns, and recommend the new template filters to a systems administrator that analyzes potential filter results of the new template filters to determine if the methodology of the filter and the methodology of the investigative technique match.
This system could eventually lead to an automated system that combines policy components to notify broadcasters when changes need to be made to their programming based on filters. This could be a dissemination of a filter feed to broadcasters that blocks all of the broadcasts prior to airing, such that the broadcasts meet the filter feed template settings, and also advise the broadcast stations of how to change their programming since the filter feed would only notify the broadcasters that the media of such cannot be aired, or that another media was selected for broadcast at that time due to the filter feed. This would be a slow process until implemented fully, due to the need to inform people of how to broadcast, in addition to the need to add filters. This technology would be from a professional perspective, while this could be used to block an entire person from the media, this would be primarily for the purpose of professional use. An example would be eliminating the conflict that occurs of press being used to politicize law enforcement, law enforcement informing people not to talk to the press, and the press bothering people to talk. This would have the capability of having everything in an executive command, such that no press occurs without authorization, reducing political uses of press for targeting purposes.